How Your Church Can Help Post-Roe
ABCS is beyond grateful for churches across the state that partner with us to provide hope and care to hurting children and families in their communities. One of the common threads of all seven of our ABCS’ ministries is that we value the sanctity of human life. Whether we are serving clients who have struggled with addiction, those who have experienced homelessness or incarceration, older adults who may not have the same abilities they once had or children and unborn babies, we understand that each person is made in the image of God and therefore has inherent value and dignity. Together we are part of the solution as we aim to meet physical, emotional and spiritual needs of at-risk individuals and families.
There are many ways your church can get involved in this work or expand what you’re already doing! Here are a few ideas related to each of our ministries. Please reach out to us at (800) 678-0648 so we can talk with you personally about the best way to partner on mission together.
Arms of Love Foster Care & Parent Aide
- The need for foster families in Arizona remains urgent. The number of licensed foster homes in the state has significantly decreased over the past few years and currently there are more families closing their license each month than opening a license. You can help by talking about the need for families and teaching what the Bible has to say about caring for displaced children.
- Rally around and support foster families in your church and kinship families who may be caring for close relatives. You can proactively help families remain together by meeting needs in their difficult circumstances. Further reach families in your community through Care Portal.
- Your church can provide space for supervised visits for children and parents involved with the Department of Child Safety. This need is especially great in rural areas.
Community Resource Centers
- Food scarcity is a critical issue, especially with rising inflation. Our community resource centers distribute food, clothing and hygiene items to help families in need. Find the location nearest you and share this information with church members who need help.
- Consider starting your own food pantry to help meet needs in your community. Connect with us to see if we can help provide food for your pantry.
Mission Encounter 360
- Encourage your church to get involved with local missions projects and volunteer opportunities. Individuals, families, small groups and entire churches are welcome!
- Come tour our locations in your area to learn more about onsite ministries.
New Life Counseling
- While many pastors and church staff provide pastoral counseling, there are often situations that require more specialized support. Be prepared with additional resources like New Life Counseling.
- With mental health issues surging following the pandemic, consider putting counseling into your budget to help subsidize or pay for counseling for church members in need.
New Life Pregnancy Center
- Teach about what the Bible has to say about the value of life. Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in January is a great time to do this, but it can be done any time throughout the year. Learn more and find free materials here.
- Connect with your local pregnancy center. A list of centers in Arizona is available from the Arizona Life Coalition.
- Host a diaper or baby clothing drive to help provide assistance to moms in need.
New Life Transitional Program
- Help support a parents’ night out for participants of the program. Individual mentors are needed to help with life skills coaching in a variety of areas. This ministry is only in Tucson.
- Look for other transitional or rehabilitation programs in your area to help support individuals with a background of addiction or incarceration.
Pursue Life Adult Ministry
- Encourage senior adults in your church by reminding them that God has a plan and purpose for them in every season of life. If you don’t already have one, consider starting a senior adult ministry.
- Help members prepare for the unknown and life transitions with our Project Ready or Not materials and courses. Contact Mona McDonald for more information (602) 346-2326.