Michael was looking for an organization to name in his estate. He heard about Arizona Baptist Children’s Services (ABCS) through a long-time friend of the organization, a woman whose grandson was one of the first children adopted through Arms of Love Foster Care. Michael decided to give a gift to ABCS. His gift allowed for the purchase of the New Life Transitional apartments, transitional housing for men and women looking for a new start. Thanks to Michael’s planned gift, the apartments were purchased, renovated and made to look almost new.
Recently, an internet repairman who had been working in the area for years came out to service the apartments. He was blown away by the transformation that Michael’s gift provided. The repairman commented on his last memory of the apartments: roach infested units, gutted kitchens, children living in filth. The apartments had not been a hopeful place to live. Thanks to Michael and his bequest, the apartments are now a place where men, women, and families can begin their journey from hardship to hope. While attending life skills classes, Bible studies and counseling sessions, program participants can live in low-cost, newly remodeled and furnished apartments that help them get back on their feet financially. The following is a testimony of one of the New Life Transitional Program participants:
Had you asked me who I was two years ago, I would have said that I was a hopeless addict, incapable of living one day without an obsession or compulsion driving my actions. I found myself at 45 years old, a single mother of two beautiful children who deserved better than I was able to provide, more than I was able to teach and more love than I knew how to give. I realized I was empty. I prayed for God’s guidance, and he started showing me the truth in scripture. I had 45 years of dysfunctional living to unlearn. I needed a crash course in healthy living. I prayed, and God put the New Life program in my path.
I attended classes on boundaries, parenting, goal setting, financial peace and biblical concepts. I started seeing a Christian counselor from New Life Counseling. I learned to start trusting God and to believe that I could change. And I did change. I learned tools to help me deal with my money, my children, my walk with Christ, my relationships with other people and my feelings in healthy, successful ways.
Now I no longer say I am a hopeless addict. I say I am a beloved child of God, unique and special to him. I am a great mother who disciplines in love. I am a loyal employee who shows up on time and gives 100% all day, each day. I am a good steward of God’s money, tithing and avoiding debt. I am a valued friend who makes time for people. I am a leader in church ministry, encouraging others to make similar life changes. I don’t have to lie, cheat, steal or escape to get through my days anymore. Instead, I pray, I try to do the next right thing and I help others. I have purpose and fulfillment in all I do from the moment I wake until the moment I sleep. I thank God every day for Arizona Baptist Children’s Services and for the New Life Transitional Program.
Arizona Baptist Children’s Services is grateful for donors like Michael who make this kind of life-change possible.