ABCS Weekly Devotional: God Has Grace and Mercy for Us All

We’ve continued to ask different people to tell us about their “why” in their ministry area, today we hear about community resource centers (CRC) and parent aide from Nathaniel Shook, CRC and Parent Aide Admin.

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. – Luke 15:7

Serving at the resource center I meet people from many different and interesting backgrounds, some of which many people don’t want to associate with. In parent aide, I’ve had people tell me that I’m dealing with the “worst of the worst” and that our clients will never get it, it is all just a “waste of time.” Sometimes it is difficult to remember the very grace that we have received when we were in need and we can start to compare our lives to others. Let us not forget how far we have fallen and the dire need for Christ’s grace and mercy to show that grace as ambassadors of reconciliation to the world.

Luke 15:2 says, “And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them.’” God has called us all to a unique opportunity to present the Gospel in so many ways here at ABCS that is hardly seen in any other instance in the workforce. For me, that unique opportunity happens when I engage with every person, parent, and child who walks through those office doors at the front desk, no matter the circumstance or cost, so that one day I might rejoice with them in heaven.