Kyra and Matt Walker* never had children of their own and started their journey with Arms of Love Foster Care in 2015 in hopes of eventually adopting older boys from the foster care system. The couple fostered several boys whom they loved and wanted to adopt. However, God had a different plan and the Walkers helped these children reunify with their biological families. As adoption plans fell through, the Walkers were sad and confused, but determined to continue fostering. They believed God had called them to care for hurting children. The Walkers wanted to adopt, and still thought older children were the best fit. That’s when they discovered that God had different plans for their family! They received a phone call from a family friend’s son. He needed help caring for his infant daughter. When their eyes were open to the need of their friend’s granddaughter, they sprang to action and got their modest home ready for an infant. However, that baby never came to their home. Instead, Kyra and Matt were asked to foster two of seven young children who were abandoned in a hotel room. Hearing the full story, the Walkers asked to take in four of the siblings because they had capacity and heart to love these hurting children. The siblings quickly became available for adoption and while many would have been overwhelmed, the Walkers shared about “how blessed [they] are!” As the time for adoption drew near, the oldest child wanted to be moved with her older brother who was with their uncle. Once again the Walkers stepped up, advocated for the child’s needs and started transporting her to visits with her brother and uncle to make the transition easier for all the children. Recently, Kyra and Matt’s dream of being parents to their own children came true with the finalization of the adoption of Alejandro, Jon and Fiona*. We are grateful for God’s timing and perfect plan that allowed for these children to find their forever family! As November is Adoption Awareness month, please join us in praying for adoptive families like the Walkers. We are grateful for those who answer the call to foster and adopt. *Names changed