The Taylor* family had Violet* placed in their home and was actively engaged in shared parenting with her parents through a notebook and occasional texting. Texting increased when Violet got sick and her foster mom’s heart was burdened as a mother, knowing that if her little one was sick, she would want to be the one to hold her. Opportunities for shared parenting soon increased as the Department of Child Safety transitioned all supervised visits online. With the prospect of virtual visits came some anxiety, knowing that it would be awkward and there may be long silences. The Taylors didn’t know what to expect. However, the first video visit went extremely well! So well in fact, that the case manager asked Mrs. Taylor if she felt comfortable facilitating virtual visits on her own and she agreed. She recently shared with her licensing worker that Violet’s mom is opening up a lot. She said, “I love building trust. This is easily my favorite part of foster care so far. There is something really sacred about her letting me see her brokenness in this mess. And there’s something really sacred about me getting to cheer her on in her success… she’s working so hard. So hard. And it’s an honor to see it in progress.” Thousands of families across the state like the Taylors and Violet’s family are now having virtual visits. Please pray for these children and families as they figure out how to navigate this new virtual world. *Names changed